Keeping our nation strong by providing quality training and professional, courteous drivers.


The tractor/trailer driver programs at Arbuckle Truck Driving School and American Truck Driving School are complete, comprehensive courses stressing safety and professionalism. The courses involves textbook lessons, classroom sessions, and behind-the-wheel driving on both our private training range and public highways. Our fleet of modern training equipment is second to none.

Even if you have never driven a stick shift before, the professional staff of ATDS have the skills and proven methods to help you learn. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are all accepted, and financial assistance is available for qualified applicants.



The Oklahoma Campus

Photo by WendellandCarolyn/iStock / Getty Images

The Texas Campus

Photo by wsfurlan/iStock / Getty Images


ATDS was the perfect trucking school. The instruction was unparalleled. Thank you for making my experience spectacular!”